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(780) 963-7451

Jessa Breitkreuz
Registered Massage Therapist

Jessa is a R.M.T. over 23 years practicing. She uses integrative approach to healing with modalities including cupping, Certified Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques, Micro Point Stimulation and Vagus Nerve Stimulation. 

VNS is a tool to help bring the nervous system into parasympathetic where the body can begin repairing itself. This tool is wonderful for helping people heal  trauma, PTSD, triggers fear, worry, anxiety, endocrine issues and covid long haul issues.  



Fun Facts About Jessa

1. She loves people.

2. She adores boxer dogs.

3. She loves water.

A quote she likes is: ” Great sea captains are made in rough waters and deep seas.”

– Kathryn Kuhlman