Anger & Emotional Management therapy in Edmonton, Alberta.
Have you ever witnessed someone getting really, really angry? You’ll see them change from a normally nice person into a raging bull throwing things, destroying cherished belongings, or hurling verbal abuses at friends and family. What may seem like a not-so-significant issue to you can cause some people to completely lose their mind. Or, at a given time, you might have felt so angry that you almost can’t refrain from physically hurting someone. Whether these are occurrences that have happened to you or someone you know, know that with the proper counselling, it is possible to control emotions of anger and let them off safely – by talking to the consultants at Family Life Psychology & Wellness and learning anger management.

Anger is a very natural human emotion and can arise from many factors. In normal, everyday people, anger arises from feelings of frustration when life situations don’t progress as planned. Or, as a result of feeling wronged, insulted, or let down in some way. As children, we’re taught to deal with those emotions in a safe way. Like to calm down by listening to music, or pummeling a pillow, or even crying, ranting, and letting out the rage by talking about it. In some people though, anger can arise from other issues that may be psychological or medical. And, when the affected person is unable to let off steam in a healthy way and is in danger of causing harm to herself or to the people around her, it’s time to seek help from the professionals at Family Life Psychology & Wellness.
As the experts at Family Life Psychology & Wellness will tell you, when used in a healthy way, anger can be channeled productively. But, rage can arise from medical issues like migraines, addictions to drugs, alcohol, and even, gambling. Mental disorders, biochemical changes in the brain, prolonged illnesses, even PTSD, the kind that soldiers deal with can all lead to anger. When you discuss your anger issues with the consultants at Family Life Psychology & Wellness, you might be surprised to find that your rage is linked to severe stress, childhood abuse, and sexual problems.
- Grief and/or sadness, loss of a family member, friend or other loved one.
- Feeling as if your opinion or efforts aren’t appreciated.
- Tiredness, since people may have shorter tempers and be more irritable when tired.
- Injustice: for example being bullied, humiliated or embarrassed, or being told that you, or a loved one, have a serious illness.
- Memories of traumatic or enraging events and worrying about personal problems.
- Sexual frustration.
- Money problems and the stress associated with debt.
- Some forms of stress, unrealistic deadlines and things beyond our immediate control such as being stuck in traffic.
- A feeling of failure or disappointment.
- Becoming angry as a result of taking drugs or alcohol, or when withdrawing from such substances.
- Having a crime committed against you or a loved one: theft, violence, sexual offenses but also more minor things such as a feeling of being treated inappropriately.
- Being either physical or mentally unwell, being in pain or living with a serious illness can lead to feeling angry.
There are three types of anger which help shape how we react in a situation that makes us angry. These are Passive Aggression, Open Aggression, and Assertive Anger.
Many people when angry try to cover up and act like everything is fine. They refuse to admit that they are angry and express it in ways such as; sulking, procrastination, self-blame, obsessive behavior, secretive behavior, self-blame, giving silent treatment and evasiveness. This type of anger sometimes come from a need to be in control of the situation.
Unlike those with passive aggression, many people tend to lash out angry and become physically or verbally aggressive and hurt themselves and others. They express their anger in ways such as; fighting, bullying, blackmailing, accusing, shouting, bickering, sarcasm, and criticism. Open Aggression also comes from a need to be in control.
This is usually referred to as the healthy form of anger. In this type, the angry person remains controlled and confident. He or she thinks before speaking, speaks with confidence to the other and yet open and flexible to the ‘other side’. It involves being patient; not raising your voice; communicating how you are feeling emotionally, and trying to understand what others are feeling.
When anger is dealt with this way, it shows that you are mature and care about your relationships and yourself.